The Bach Flower Remedies is a natural stress and emotional relief, safe for children. The Bach Flower Remedies children deal with every day fears, daydreaming, self-esteem, worries, sadness, self-acceptance, school issues etc.
Children respond quickly to the Bach Flower Remedies because they have not had years of unresolved emotional imbalances. Parents giving the Bach Flower Remedies to their children are often amazed by the positive effect the Remedies have on their children. Screaming children find sudden relief, shy and fearful children find courage, impatient and angry children find peace and discouraged children find the will to go on.
Dosage for children and adults are the same. 1 drop of each remedy in a glass of water sipped slowly through out the day or make a mixing bottle by adding 2 drops of each selected remedy to a 30ml /1 oz mixing bottle, fill it with water and the child should take 4 drops 4 times a day until happiness and peace is restored.
The Bach Flower Remedies are gluten free
The original Bach Flower Remedies are preserved in brandy and have been used safely on children for more than 80 years.