Organic flax milled to a fine meal and packaged in an oxygen free environment to preserve freshness and maintain quality.
Flaxseeds that are cold milled, meaning seeds are not crushed or ground but rather milled, leaving as much natural oil as possible within natural cell walls to retain maximum nutritional value.
Milled flaxseed can be more easily digested whereas the whole flaxseed can pass right through your body without being digested. When flaxseeds are cold milled, your body can look forward to enjoying the many benefits that are released thanks to the soluble fibre contained within the seed.
Golden or Brown? There is very little difference nutritionally between the two, so the choice is up to you!
To extend the shelf life of flaxseed, even more, refrigerate it. While the rigid hull will keep the seed fresh and protect it from the environment, flaxseed will spoil over time. Refrigeration is especially recommended when storing ground flaxseed, as it no longer has the hull to protect it.